
Manage Storage Image Transformations usage

What you are charged for

You are charged for the number of distinct images transformed during the billing period, regardless of how many transformations each image undergoes. We refer to these images as "origin" images.


With these four transformations applied to image-1.jpg and image-2.jpg, the origin images count is 2.'bucket').createSignedUrl('image-1.jpg', 60000, {
transform: {
width: 200,
height: 200,
})'bucket').createSignedUrl('image-2.jpg', 60000, {
transform: {
width: 400,
height: 300,
})'bucket').createSignedUrl('image-2.jpg', 60000, {
transform: {
width: 600,
height: 250,
})'bucket').download('image-2.jpg', {
transform: {
width: 800,
height: 300,

How charges are calculated

Storage Image Transformations are billed using Package pricing, with each package representing 1000 origin images. If your usage falls between two packages, you are billed for the next whole package.


For simplicity, let's assume a package size of 1,000 and a charge of $5 per package with no quota.

Origin ImagesPackages BilledCosts

Usage on your invoice

Usage is shown as "Storage Image Transformations" on your invoice.


$5 per 1,000 origin images. You are only charged for usage exceeding your subscription plan's quota.

Pro100$5 per 1,000 origin images
Team100$5 per 1,000 origin images

Billing examples

Within quota

The organization's number of origin images for the billing cycle is within the quota, so no charges apply.

Line ItemUnitsCosts
Pro Plan1$25
Compute Hours Micro744 hours$10
Image Transformations74 origin images$0
Compute Credits-$10

Exceeding quota

The organization's number of origin images for the billing cycle exceeds the quota by 750, incurring charges for this additional usage.

Line ItemUnitsCosts
Pro Plan1$25
Compute Hours Micro744 hours$10
Image Transformations850 origin images$5
Compute Credits-$10

View usage

You can view Storage Image Transformations usage on the organization's usage page. The page shows the usage of all projects by default. To view the usage for a specific project, select it from the dropdown. You can also select a different time period.

Usage page navigation bar

In the Storage Image Transformations section, you can see how many origin images were transformed during the selected time period.

Usage page Storage Image Transformations section

Optimize usage

  • Pre-generate common variants – instead of transforming images on the fly, generate and store commonly used sizes in advance
  • Optimize original image sizes – upload images in an optimized format and resolution to reduce the need for excessive transformations
  • Leverage Smart CDN caching or any other caching solution to serve transformed images efficiently and avoid unnecessary repeated transformations
  • Control how long assets are stored in the browser using the Cache-Control header